Mens Moonstone Ring, Is Silver Suitable For A Moonstone Ring For Men
We are often asked whether silver is a suitable metal option for mens moonstone rings. It is not clear why jewelry lovers are hesitant to choose a 925 silver moon stone ring for men. It could be the low grade mens silver rings abundantly available that puts buyers off. But from the viewpoint of a jeweler, there really is no reason why silver mens rings should appear shabby. Kaisilver is in a perfect positon to make this statement because, we are the only custom jewelry provide to provide the same quality of design, gems and craftsmanship for mens rings. This is of course true of ALL our jewelry and not just mens rings. Let's talk about silver mens rings taking the MAN09 Kaisilver men's moon stone ring as an example. We would like to explain a few technical issues but, will keep the language as simple as possible. Our objective is to teach buyers how to evaluate various jewels irrespective of the place where they buy the jewels from. The information is general and that increases it's utility value, it will be applicable to a broad range of jewels and not just this 925 sterling silver moons ring.
When designing and 'constructing' the MAN09 moonstone ring, the research team kept two objectives in mind. They were fully aware that both the objectives we essential and had to be achieved. Few men would not be impressed by the tough and yet not clumsy, appearance of this ring. But external beauty does not essentially translate into good value for money paid. The team at Kaisilver is trained to achieve both, durability and good looks for every jewel that we craft. Let us get into a few more details to highlight the essential features of such a ring. At this point do not get involved in where the ring would be purchased from. Once you armed with the right type of information, the decision to purchase and the source will unfold before you.
Many jewelry buyers are not aware of the term metal 'thickness', they confuse it with band width of the ring. Take a good look at the image of the MAN09 mens sterling silver moonstone ring. The band width is the width of the ring. Assuming that we mounted a 12x10mm oval moonstone in this mens silver ring, the band width on either side of the gemstone would be around 10mm. This because the moonstone in this mens 925 sterling silver ring is mounted vertically across the finger. Had we designed the same moonstone ring with the gem stone standing vertically on the finger, the band width in the frong would be around 12mm. Another thing related to the band width of this silver moonstone ring is that, it tapers a bit as it moves to the portion that would go behind the finger (when the ring is worn). You could have the same ring crafted with a uniform band width all around the ring.
Now let us get down to understanding the meaning of the term 'thickness' of the metal. If you imagined the mens moonstone ring to be made with a sheet of silver, the thickness of the sheet would be defined by the thickness of the sheet. Relating the thickness to metal weight, a ring with the same dimensions would weigh more if the metal thickness was increased. Similalry, a reduction in the thickness of silver would reduce the weight of the ring. Jewelers normally play around with the thickness of the metal to control the metal weight. A higher metal weight would obviously increase the metal cost component on the price tag.
So why do you need good metal thickness, after all you could make a similar moonstone ring where the metal weight is reduced due to lower metal thickness. The point is that metal thickness directly influences one very important feature of your mens silver moonstone ring - this is longterm durability. Trying to save metal weight by reducing the thickness of the metal, means that the thinner ring can get damaged or dented more easily. A healthy metal weight gold ring could be price intensive putting it beyond the budget of many of us. If you are faced with such a suggestion we would strongly suggest that you go for a strong and durable mens silver moonstone ring. This is better than settling for a light weight gold ring, such a ring would need frequent repairs and this would ofcourse add up to the cost of the jewel.
When you choose a silver mens ring with moonstone, we would suggest that you stay away from rhodium, gold or other platings. No plating done on your silver ring would be permanent. Over time, the plating would wear off and this would not happen uniformly all over the ring. The ring in that condition could appear quite shabby. If your silver moonstone ring does tarnish, you can always polish it with any recommended silver cleaning solution. Just remember to thoroughly rinse the ring in clean water after the polishing process. This will ensure that no chemical residue from the polishing material remains stuck to the metal or the gemstone.
We will need to talk about the gemstone mounting for a mens silver moonstone ring. In general we do not recommend prong setting for gemstones in mens ring, so do not go for this type of setting for your men's sterling silver gemstone ring. Prongs tend to open up when they get stuck in fabric of pockets. The opening of the prongs brings up the danger of loose gems, these could even drop off the gem stone ring. The MAN09 mens sterling silver ring, has a very impressive gem mounting. On either side of the oval shaped moonstone, you can see two stout and hefty curves. These curves firmly grasp the gemstone, the stone stays firmly mounted and can withstand even daily wear and tear.
From the gem mounting, we will shift to the gemstone shape. It is quite obvious tha this is an oval moonstone silver ring, but we need to focus on one dimension that is the thickness of the stone. You might also know the thickness as the depth, they refer to the same thing. When you cut the moonstone to be too deep, the stone would significantly protrude from the surface of the ring. This makes it more likely for the gemstone to get damaged by hitting against hard objects. At the same time, a very flat gemstone would reduce the attractiveness of the jewel. Certain beliefs and traditions related to gems, brings about an interesting request from jewelry buyers. Many people prefer that the gemstone touches the finger skin from the underside of the ring. Such requests are no problem at Kaisilver since each men's gemstone ring is fully custom made and can include all your preferences. There is a special gemstone cut that is suited for cases where, the gemstone needs to touch the finger when the ring is worn. Such a cut would give a slight protrusion to the gemstone on both sides. It is ofcourse important to ensure that no pointed portions exist on the lower side of the gem - these could scratch or hurt the finger skin.
While you will find that the gemstone in most men's moonstone rings are cut smooth (cabachon) without any facet, you could request for a faceted moonstone when ordering your Kaisilver mens ring. What you do need to understand is that, a faceted moonstone will show wear and tear signs much more clearly as compared to a cabachon moonstone. The lines where the facets intersect is where this will be visible.
We have kept this entire article neutral without making any specific recommendations of Kaisilver jewelry. This is because we prefer to this to be an educative experience rather than a sales campaign. If you do wish to learn more about the MAN09 moonstone ring do check out the complete report at The support team at [email protected] will be glad to answer any questions that you might have.